Hey there, I’m Ben, a 17-year-old college student from Cheshire, England. Right now at college, I’m studying Computer Science, DT and Physics - with hopes of entering either the computing or engineering fields one day.

I am greatly interested in (and enjoy) developing for the web and making it a better place. Right now, I am more focussed on frontend development - however I am currently learning some backend languages which will help me expand my abilities. My attention to detail is something which I like to pride myself in when making sites - not a single small thing can be incorrect! As well as the internet, 3D printing is another thing I have huge interest in - with half of my work area on my desk being taken up by a 3D printer, I can’t not take a liking to it! In fact, I enjoy these two things so much that I offer both as a service, you can find out more on the services page.

When not struggling to make a website or 3D printer function, I just can’t turn down a bike ride through the beautiful British countryside (although I usually end up with a puncture or two!), or making small projects with my friends - both digital (like modded game servers) and physical (such as an engine-powered pedal bike).

Kayaking and Paddleboarding are also great interests of mine. I spend a lot of time on my local waterways, heading between towns and back with a friend for some company. While mainly touring, heading to the coast and doing some sea kayaking is also a favourite. There’s nothing like surfing in a kayak!

Back in 2020, I was lucky enough to be selected for one of 10 spots on a sail boat race from the bottom to the top of England. Organised by Cheshire Police and other competing forces (who each have their own boat and team), it was an absolutely amazing opportunity for myself and all other participants to build our skills on the week long journey at sea. Taking place in October 2022, Team Cheshire (while not quite making it the full distance) won the race to our destination!

I have since returned to Portsmouth as a Volunteer Watch Leader for the organisation, helping and teaching young people vital skills both in sailing and life skills! It’s also an amazing opportunity to meet other volunteers and make friendships that last a lifetime!

Contact Me

Want to reach out? I’m always happy to discuss new opportunities or answer general queries, however I politely ask no junk or spam, please. You can send me an email at [email protected], or alternatively you can contact me via DM on Instagram (@benwrth) or Twitter/X (@benwrth)